Welcome to IWBF 2016
4th International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF)
The International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF) is organized by COST Action IC1106 (Integrating Biometrics and Forensics for the Digital Age). It is an international forum devoted specifically to the development of synergies between the biometrics and forensic science research areas.
IWBF provides the meeting place for those concerned with the usage of biometric recognition systems in forensic science applications, attracting participants from industry, research, academia and users. The fourth International Workshop on Biometrics and Forensics will take place in Limassol, Cyprus.
Conference news
01/03/2016 - Online registration is now closed
09/02/2016 - Workshop and Demo / Poster programs now online
26/01/2016 - Provisional Workshop Program Announced
03/12/2015 - Important announcement: For each accepted paper at least one author must register by the camera ready paper submission deadline.
02/12/2015 - Added information about the preparation of camera ready papers, copyright forms and posters (see Author Guidelines).
02/12/2015 - The Online registration is now available
01/12/2015 - Review results send to authors. All authors of accepted papers/posters must submit the camera ready paper by 15 January 2016.
12/11/2015 - The Program Committee has been added under Committees
22/10/2015 - The Important Dates have been updated
02/10/2015 - The International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) added as a sponsor of IWBF2016
08/09/2015 - Paper submission deadline extended to 23/10/2015
07/09/2015 - Information about the Venue and Accomodation anounced
15/07/2015 - Received confirmation that accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore
08/07/2015 - Preliminary list of keynote speakers announced
29/06/2015 - A selection of best papers from IWBF2016 will be considered for publication in a special journal issue of IET Biometrics
10/06/2015 - The Website is now online

IWBF 2016
Limassol, CyprusDates
03 - 04 March, 2016Venue
Crowne Plaza Hotel - 4*Contact
For academic matters please contact:
Nicolas Tsapatsoulis
Cyprus University of Technology
P: +357 25 002 614
F: +357 25 002 664
Andreas Lanitis
Cyprus University of Technology
P: +357 25 002 569
F: +357 25 002 698
Questions including Accommodation and Travel Arrangements
P: +357 22 591 900
F: +357 22 591 700