Jochen Fröhlich
Institute of Fluid Mechanics, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
“Direct Numerical Simulations of bedload transport with non-spherical particles”
The transport of particles by a fluid flowing over a bottom bed is an important process in natural water bodies, such as sediment transport in rivers, but also in process technology, where sand is encountered in oil pipelines or hydraulic transport is used with granular material, for example. Over the last years Direct Numerical Simulations have contributed to a deeper understanding of the intricate coupling between the turbulent flow over such propagating roughness and the motion of the particles themselves. These studies, however, have practically all been conducted with spherical particles.
The talk will first highlight the different complications introduced by non-spherical particles and describe appropriate sub-models. The resulting method is then used to investigate the impact of the particle shape on the properties of the flow and the formation of particle structures. The highly resolved data provide important insight into the physics of such flows.
Short CV
Jochen Fröhlich studied Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen and obtained his PhD in Engineering Sciences at the University of Nice – Sophia-Antipolis, France. After two post-doctoral positions in Kaiserslautern and Berlin, he worked at the University of Karlsruhe (TH), nowadays KIT, where he submitted his habilitation thesis on Large Eddy Simulation. Since 2007 Jochen Fröhlich is holding the Chair of Fluid Mechanics and is Managing Director of the Institute of Fluid Mechanics at Technische Universität Dresden. His research interests cover numerical methods, high-performance computing, modelling and simulation of single-phase turbulence as well as multiphase flows.