ITP 2021

Interactive Theorem Proving

29 June – 01 July, 2021


Co-located with LICS 2021

ITP 2021 Online

Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, ITP 2021 will transition to an online format. This decision will alleviate the inherent difficulties and travel restrictions incurred by the pandemic, offering the widest spread of new scientific knowledge with the lowest risk to participants. The Organizers are committed in offering the best possible online experience to attendees.


A message has been sent out (Wednesday, 23 June) to all participants and presenters with Zoom room links.

Please look for an email from in your Inbox/Spam folder.

If you have not received the message, please email us at

Registration is now open

Deadline for Author Registration has been extended to 14 May, 2021

Program is available


ITP 2021 is the twelfth conference on Interactive Theorem Proving and related issues, ranging from theoretical foundations to implementation aspects to applications in program verification, security, and formalization of mathematics. ITP 2021 will be co-located with LICS 2021 and will take place online.

To learn more about ITP and find details on the history and organization of the conference series visit the official website: 

Important Dates

Main Conference: 29 June – 01 July, 2021

Workshops: 28 June and 02 July, 2021

Workshop proposal deadline: January 11, 2021

Workshop proposal notification by: January 15, 2021

Abstract submission deadline: January 25, 2021

Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2021

Author notification: March 25, 2021

Camera-ready copy due: April 20, 2021


For organizational matters please contact:

Daniele Gorla

For enquiries regarding the Scientific Program / Paper Writing and Submissions please contact:

Liron Cohen
Cezary Kaliszyk

For enquiries and support on registration, travel and logistics please contact:

Easy Conferences

Tel: +357 22 591 900

Hosting Institution

The local host of the conference will be the Università di Roma “La Sapienza” and the hosting department will be the Dipartimento di Informatica (  and, respectively).


With over 700 years of history, 112,000 students, 4000 teachers and 2000 employees, technicians and librarians, in addition to 2000 administrative staff in university hospitals, Sapienza is the first university in Europe. Our mission is to contribute to the development of a knowledge society through research, excellence, quality education and international cooperation. The world’s leading university rankings place Sapienza at the top of Italian universities for quality of research, education and international dimension; moreover, Sapienza excels and leads as a benchmark in many subject areas.

The Department of Computer Science

Founded on January 1, 1992 under the initiative of a group of professors from the Department of Mathematics “Guido Castelnuovo” with backgrounds from a variety of fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics, the department is set on building upon the scientific and mathematical backgrounds of the founders. The department became the first center in greater Rome dedicated to the study of theoretical and applied computer science and today is a reference point for well-prepared students to jump into  the evolving field of Information and Communications Technology. 

The department is internationally recognized as a center of excellence in many of the most important current areas of research in Computer Science.


Rome, Italy is the host city of Università di Roma “La Sapienza”. Rome offers many advantages as a location. It is readily accessible -at affordable prices- internationally and directly from all major European air hubs (e.g. London, Frankfurt etc.). Rome is also accessible from the Americas, Asia, Africa and Middle East.

Mark Sixma