The EANN 2019 Proceedings will be Springer's Volume 1000!!!
To celebrate this event SPRINGER will:
Offer BEST PAPER EANN 2019 AWARD!! SPRINGER will support the best paper award of EANN 2019 for a prize worth of 500 Euros of any book selection published by Springer.
FREE online access will be provided to the EANN 2019 community for all the past proceedings (10 volumes) for 4 weeks.
Also Springer will organize a book presentation during the 20th EANN 2019 conference.
Best Paper Award
ONE BEST PAPER AWARD of 150 Euros cash will be given to the best student EANN/AIAI 2019 paper by PROFESSOR JOHN MACINTYRE (University of Sunderland)
Room Reservations
To reserve a room at Knossos Royal Beach Resort click here.
The prices are 71€ per person/per night in a double room & 122€ per night in a double room for single use and they include two meals per day (Breakfast and Lunch).
The proceedings of the EANN 2019 will be published as always by the SPRINGER CCIS Series and they are INDEXED BY SCOPUS, DBLP, Google Scholar, ACM Digital Library, IO-Port, MAthSciNet, CPCI, Zentralblatt MATH and EI Engineering Index TO CONFIRM please visit the following Springer Link:
Important Dates
Keynote Speakers
Special Issues
Deep learning in Medicine and Bioinformatics: state of art and potentialities, visions
Tutorial (2 hours) by Professor Pietro Lio, University of Cambridge, UK
Abstract: To be announced soon..
Automated Machine Learning for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Tutorial (3 hours) by Ioannis Tsamardinos, Vincenzo Lagani
Numerous bioinformaticians, computational biologists, and life-scientists in general are applying supervised learning techniques and feature selection in their research work. The tutorial is addressed to this audience intending to shield them against methodological pitfalls, inform them about new methodologies and tools emerging in the field of AutoML, and increase their productivity.
1st Workshop on Pervasive Intelligence (1st PEINT)
This workshop focuses on methods and applications for data analysis in smart environments, enabled by artificial intelligence, including (but not limited to) neural networks. It encourages the submission of papers addressing concepts and methods related to the processing and analysis of data from multiple sensor modalities, especially high throughput audio and video. Novel methods and algorithms in this context should cope with specific challenges and open research issues. Experiments on publicly available datasets are also encouraged to demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods. Application papers should stress the societal impact of the proposed approach.
Full workshop info - Topics of Interest - Special Issue - Submission - Program Committee - Workshop Organizers
Emerging Trends in AI
Artificial Intelligence is in a new ‘boom’ period, with exponential growth in commercialisation of research and development, products being introduced into market with embedded A.I. as well as ‘intelligent systems’ of various types. Projections for commercial revenue from A.I. show exponential growth; such is the ubiquitous nature of A.I. in the modern world that members of the public are interacting with intelligent systems or agents every day – even though they often aren’t aware of it!
This workshop, led by Professor John MacIntyre, will consider emerging themes in A.I., covering not only the technical aspects of where A.I. is going, but the wider question of ethics, and the potential for future regulatory frameworks for the development, implementation, and operation of intelligent systems and their role in our society. The workshop format will be three short presentations by the keynote speakers, followed by an interactive panel Q&A session where the panel members and audience will engage in a lively debate on the topics discussed!
Full workshop info - Lecturers