Mini Symposia
A Mini-Symposium has been selected to be included in the ETMM13 conference program. Any author can select to submit to the mini-symposium instead of the main conference track when uploading his/her abstract (the final decision as to where your presentation will placed will be made by the chairs).
Near Wall Reactive Flows: Numerical Modelling and Validation Experiments
A. Sadiki, A. Dreizler, C. Hasse
Reactive flow processes are strongly influenced by the presence of walls in many practical combustion systems. Due to the complexity of the coupling between chemical reactions, heat release and fluid dynamics, the resulting flame-wall interaction (FWI) becomes a limiting factor as it may lead to flame quenching and high wall heat flux as well as to excess emissions of unburned hydrocarbons in combustion engines. The critical examination of such wall heat fluxes is a key issue in design process of cooling devices and in determining the lifetime of combustion systems [1-5].
Furthermore, spray impingement on walls occurs under a wide range of situations in engines (LPP gas turbines, port fuel injection (PFI) gasoline engines, direct injection (DI) spark ignition engines, exhaust gas after-treatment (EGAT) through Selective Catalytic Reaction (SCR) systems, etc.). The resulting Spray/Wall Interaction (SWI) may lead to high unburned hydrocarbon emissions during cold start in PCI, to soot formation if not properly controlled in DI and to harmful emissions in EGAT [6].
In the near wall region, the time and length scales involved are small, making it challenging to understand the physics underlying the FWI [5] and the SWI [6] phenomena, and then to support the engineering design and optimization task of modern combustion equipment.
Since the FWI and SWI still remain not fully understood and comprehensive experimental data very scarce, this mini-symposium aims at providing an opportunity for researchers and interested workers to discuss new developments and challenges, and exchange ideas in the areas of Near-Wall Reactive Flows. Thereby, recent results related to these processes including material deposition, film growth and surface reactions, their coupling with chemically reacting flows – all together with the presence of conjugated processes of heat and mass transfer – will be addressed. Appropriate experimental techniques will be presented. Welldesigned experiments (for generation of experimental data for model development and validation) and innovative modelling approaches for numerically simulating near-wall processes in combustion systems will be discussed.
The mini-symposium will also give to participants the possibility to develop and initiate new collaborations.
[1] Lai, J., Wachs, D. H., Chakraborthy, N.: Flow topology distribution in head-on quenching of turbulent premixed flame: A direct numerical simulation analysis. Fuel 224 (2018) 186-209
[2] Wang, Y., and Trouve, A.: Direct numerical simulation of non-premixed flame-wall interactions, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.16 119, 2005
[3] Heinrich, A., Ries, F., Kuenne, G., Ganter, S., Hasse, C., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.: Large Eddy Simulation with tabulated chemistry of an experimental sidewall quenching
burner, Int. J. of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 71, June 2018, Pages 95-110
[4] Pantangi, P., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J., Mann, M., Dreizler, A.: LES of Premixed Methane Flame Impinging on the Wall Using Non-adiabatic Flamelet Generated Manifold
(FGM) Approach, Flow, Turbulence and combustion, Vol. 92 (4) pp 805–836, 2014
[5] Dreizler, A. and Böhm, B: Advanced laser diagnostics for an improved understanding of premixed flame-wall interactions, Proceedings of the Comb. Inst. 35 (1), 37-64, 2016
[6] Sadiki, A., Di Mare, F., Hasse, C. et al.: Best Practices in Combustion CFD: IC-Engines, in ERCOFTACS BPG Book Series- CFD of Turbulent Combustion, Ed. L. Vervisch and D. Rockaerts, 2016