Andreas Kempf
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
“Nano-particle formation from turbulent flames”
The talk will present recent work on the modeling and simulation of nano-particle formation in flames – laminar and turbulent, from gaseous and liquid fuels and precursors, by RANS, LES and DNS. Of special interest is the description of particle property distributions and their spatial distributions, which can (almost) not be captured by DNS or high-resolution LES: The problem is due to the smallest scalar scales (Batchelor), which for nano-particle fields, are one to two orders of magnitude smaller than the Kolmogorov scale, due to the very high Schmidt-numbers. The distribution on these small scales must be known, as key modelling quantities depend non-linearly on the concentration, so that „naive“ averaging of filtering would lead to large modelling errors. At the current time, the development of suitable models is highly needed.
Short CV
Since 2011: Professor at the University Duisburg-Essen and Head of the chair “Fluid dynamics”
2005-2011: (Senior) Lecturer at the Imperial College London (Assistant/Associate Professor), section ‘Multiscale Simulations in the field of Thermal Fluids’ of the mechanical engineering department, examinations officer of the mechanical engineering department
1999-2004: Doctoral thesis and postdoctoral research with Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Janicka in the engineering department at the TU Darmstadt, Dissertation: Large-Eddy Simulation of Non-Premixed Turbulent Flames.
1994-1999: Study in Mechanical Engineering at the TU Darmstadt, diploma thesis: ‘Large-Eddy Simulation of a Counter Flow Configuration’, Mentor: Prof. J.-Y. Chen, University of Berkeley, CA, USA