Organizing Committee
Bernard Geurts
University of Twente, the Netherlands
Marianna Braza
IMF Toulouse, France
Stefan Hickel
TU Delft, The Netherlands
Maria Vittoria Salvetti
University of Pisa, Italy
Ananias Tomboulides
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Scientific Committee
- V. Armenio (Italy)
- C. Bailly (France)
- G. Balarac (France)
- R. Bastiaans (Netherlands)
- M. Behr (Germany)
- A. Boguslawski (Poland)
- A. Bottaro (Italy)
- M. Braza (France)
- L. Davidson (Sweden)
- E. Dick (Belgium)
- L. Djenidi (Australia)
- P. Durbin (USA)
- K. Flack (USA)
- J. Fort (Czech Republic)
- J. Frohlich (Germany)
- J. Fürst (Czech Republic)
- B. Geurts (the Netherlands)
- L. Gicquel (France)
- F. Godeferd (France)
- D. Grigoriadis (Cyprus)
- S. Hickel (the Netherlands)
- S. Hochgreb (UK)
- S. Jakirlic (Germany)
- J. Janicka (Germany)
- S. Kassinos (Cyprus)
- B. Koobus (France)
- H. Kuerten (Netherlands)
- M. Leschziner (United Kingdom)
- D. Lucor (France)
- S. Mendez (France)
- F. Menter (Germany)
- V. Moureau (France)
- B. Muller (Norway)
- F. Nicoud (France)
- V. Nikora (UK)
- S. Obi (Japan)
- A. Pinelli (UK)
- U. Piomelli (Canada)
- H. Pitsch Heinz
- J. Pozorski (Poland)
- W. Rodi (Germany)
- M. Salvetti (Italy)
- N. Sandham(UK)
- M. Savill (UK)
- P. Schlatter (Sweden)
- W. Schroeder (Germany)
- L. Selle (France)
- J. Sesterhenn (Germany)
- P. Spalart (USA)
- M. Strelets (Russia)
- K. Suga (Japan)
- A. Tomboulides (Greece)
- L. Vervisch (France)
- R. Verzicco (Italy)
- D. Veynante Denis
- D. Von Terzi (Germany)
- S. Wallin (Sweden)
- G. Winckelmans (Belgium)