8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 – 8:45

Welcome and Introduction:

      - Tina Iachini, scientific committee

      - Luigi Trojano, director of the Department of Psychology, University  of Campania Vanvitelli

8:45 – 9:30

Special Lecture by Michel Denis “Space in life, space in film

Introduced by Francesca Pazzaglia

9:30 – 10:45

Symposium: Understanding the affective dimension of social interactions in real and virtual spaces

Convenor: Michela Candini

·        Ivan Patané, Michela Candini, Clément Desoche, Alessandro Farne, Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Caterina Bertini, Elisa Ciaramelli, Giuseppe di Pellegrino: The effects of emotion imitation on personal space regulation

·        Georgios Michalareas: Effect of Psycopathy on the perception of Interpersonal Distance

·        Martina Fusaro, Maddalena Beccherle, Valentina Moro, Salvatore Aglioti: Exploring social touch perception in fibromyalgia and endometriosis: Insights
from virtual reality

·        Bianca Monachesi:  The effects of sexual objectification on own body attention, emotional response, and interpersonal interaction

10:45 -11:30

coffee break + poster session 1 (Mental imagery, environment, well-being and emotions)


11:30 – 12:30

Keynote 1 (Alessandro Farnè, ImpAct Team, Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, France)

Humans embody tools to use them like hands. How’s that?

Introduced by Valerie Gyselink

12:30 – 13:15

Session 1: Peripersonal and interpersonal space

Chair: Gennaro Ruggiero

·        Lucie Lenglart, Clemence Roger, Adriana Sampaio, Yann Coello: Self-advantage in the processing of objects in peripersonal space

·        Lauren Buck, Mauricio Flores-Vargas, Rachel McDonnell: The role of spatial audio fidelity in the mediation of interpersonal and peripersonal space in immersive virtual reality

·        Antonella Ferrara, Claudio Brozzoli, Clément Desoche, Romeo Salemme, Tina Iachini, Alessandro Farnè, Gennaro Ruggiero: How a tool or an elongated virtual arm influence space and body representations

13:15 – 14:30 Lunch Time: Welcome Drink & Lunch
14:30 – 16:15

Symposium: Visual-Spatial Imagery Across Real-World Contexts: Insights into Spatial Updating, STEM Learning, Artistic Performance, and Neurological Disorders

Convenors: Maria Kozhevnikov, Laura Piccardi

·        Gaspare Galati: Decoding the contents and spatial topography of mental images in high-level visual cortex

·        Maria Kozhevnikov, Laura Piccardi, Alessandro Von Gal, Sylvia Tan Zi Han, Andrea-René Angeramo: Exploring object visualization abilities in artistic domains: The role of color, shape, and texture visualization

·        Mary Hegarty: The contributions of visual-spatial imagery to learning organic chemistry

·        Christodoula Gabriel, Adamantini Chatzipanagioti, Alexia Galati, Marios Avraamides: Teleporting impairs scene recognition in virtual environments

·        Alastair Smith: Using drawing tasks to probe visuospatial memory in disorders of perception and action

·        Fabrizia D’Antonio, Laura Piccardi: Visual mental imagery and visual hallucinations

16:15 – 17

coffee break + poster session 2 (Maps, spatial memory, multisensory signals, interpersonal space and neural bases)


17 – 17:45

Session 2: Navigation and spatial maps

Chair: Ineke van der Ham

·        Hatice Dedetas Satir, Stefan Münzer: Minimizing the influence of cognitive ability facets in map-based route learning via instructional interventions

·        Simon Lhuillier, Alain L’Hostis, Valérie Gyselinck: How do different map formats influence the perception of space-time and route choices on a geographical scale?

·        Jakub Krukar, Ahmed Aly, Angela Schwering: Analysing 3D sketch maps

8:30 – 9:30

Session 3: Spatial reasoning and construction

Chair: Boris Suchan

·        David Pearson, Vebjørn Ekroll: Heuristic-based errors during intuitive spatial reasoning

·        Isa Zappullo, Anna Lauro, Roberta Cecere, Massimiliano Conson: The effect of motor simulation on spatial construction

·        Spencer Talbot, Patricia Kanngiesser, Alastair D. Smith: Hide and Seek: The influence of role and mentalising on exploratory behaviour

·        Inès Djelloul-Daouadji, Mathis Prost, Elise Grison, Aurélie Dommes: Should I stay or should I go? Guiding decision making at railway crossings

9:30 – 10:15

Special Lecture by Robert H. Logie “Visual working memory: Diverse assumptions, testing methods, and participant strategies”

Introduced by Tina Iachini


10:15 – 11:15


Session 4: Memory mechanisms

Chair: Robert H. Logie

·        Elena Carbone, Irene C. Mammarella, Erika Borella: Training visuo-spatial working memory in healthy older adults with immersive and tablet-based tasks: preliminary results

·        Andria Shimi: Attentional selection, suppression and visual working development

·        Nicola Matteucci, Alessandro Von Gal, Valentina Di Maria, Laura Piccardi, Maria Kozhevnikov, Raffaella Nori: False navigational memories: The influence of semantic traces and meta-memory

·        Federica Santacroce, Annalisa Tosoni, Davide Di Censo, Carlo Sestieri, Giorgia Committeri: Generalization from episodic experience to semantic knowledge through the extraction of objective regularities

11:15– 11:45 coffee break
11:45 – 13

Symposium: Lights and Shadows in the Intersection of Technologies and Navigation Abilities”

Convenors: Veronica Muffato, Laura Miola

·        Valérie Gyselinck, Simone Morgagni, Virginie Van Wassenhove: Temporal and spatial cognition in the wild: how technologies affect our representations?

·        Toru Ishikawa: Human sense of orientation: Where does the use of mobile navigation tools lead us?

·        Laura Miola, Veronica Muffato, Enrico Sella, Chiara Meneghetti, Francesca Pazzaglia: Is GPS use associated with our navigation skills? A systematic review and meta-analysis

·        Ineke van der Ham: Cognitive performance in immersive technology

13 – 14:15 Lunch Time
14:15 – 15:15

Keynote 2 (Mary Hegarty, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, UC Santa Barbara, USA)

Individual Differences in Navigation

Introduced by Chiara Meneghetti

15:15 – 16:15

Session 5: Mental imagery

Chair: Michel Denis

·        Joanna M. Smieja, Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Agata Gasiorowska: Mental imagery shapes emotions in people’s decisions related to risk taking

·        Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska, Karol Nędza, Karol Karasiewicz: Imagery questionnaire in different time perspectives-psychometric data of the tool

·        Dina van Well, Sharon Geva: Enhanced vividness of imagery in aphantasia after exposure to multi-modal stimuli

·        Nadja Schott, Tobias Feiner, Soo-Yong Park: Neural correlates of task proceduralization and motor simulation in “good” and “poor” motor imagers. A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study (fNIRS)

16:15 Excursion + social dinner

8:30 – 8:45

Greetings and remarks on new technologies

 -Luigi Maffei, Pro-Rector for Technological Innovation, University of Campania Vanvitelli

               Introduced by Tina Iachini


8:45 – 9:30


Session 6: Clinical perspectives

Chair: Giorgia Committeri

·        Ineke van der Ham, Midas M. Stöfsel, Martine J.E. van Zandvoort: Developmental topographical disorientation: further theoretical framing and a possible link to aphantasia

·        Boris Suchan: Preventing dementia using go4cognition

·        Diletta Decarolis, Loreta Cannito, Tiziana Quarto, Paola Palladino: Virtual reality to assess episodic memory in AD and aMCI patients: The role of emotional variables

9:30 – 10:30

Keynote 3 (Anna Christina Nobre, Department of Psychology, Yale University, USA)

The internal focus of attention

Introduced by Tina Iachini

10:30 – 11:30

Session 7: Body, perspective taking and social mechanisms

Chair:  David Pearson

·        Alexandra de Lagarde, Fabien Boucaud, Louise P. Kirsch, Indira Thouvenin, Catherine Pelachaud, Malika Auvray: Paving the way for social touch sonification: Behavioral studies and applications in virtual reality

·        Malika Auvray, Alexandra de Lagarde, Chiara Baiano, Louise Kirsch, Xavier Job, Gabriel Arnold: Taking my perspective or yours? The influence of personality traits, psychopathological traits, and interoceptive abilities

·        Yuan He, Rachel McDonnell : Body swapping in virtual reality: reshaping boundaries between self and others to enhance interpersonal trust

·        Chiara Fini, Vanessa Era, Giovanna Cuomo, Ilenia Falcinelli, Manuel Mello, Anna M. Borghi: Online vocal exchanges about abstract concepts foster automatic imitation between young conversational partners

11:30 – 12 coffee break
12– 13:15

Symposium: “Stepping forward with immersive technology: virtual characters in applications”

Convernors: Anne-Hélène Olivier, Katja Zibrek, Julien Pettré, Ana Zappa

·        Katja Zibrek: Perception of virtual characters in VR

·        Ana Zappa: Using VR to explore the role of social cues and interaction in second language learning

·        Anne-Hélène Olivier: Immersive technologies and non-verbal interactions during locomotion: Validation, applications & future directions

·        Julien Pettré: Collecting “crowd” data with Virtual Reality

13:15 – 14:30


Lunch Time
14:30 – 15:15

Session 8: Virtual Reality Applications and Psychological effects

Chair: Marios Avraamides

·        Andrea Massironi, Marco Alessandro Petilli, Carlotta Lega, Simone Fontana, Emanuela Bricolo: The impact of proactive attentional control on braking and lane keeping: A simulator study on driving performance

·        Vasiliki Kondyli, Marcin Leszczynski, Mehul Bhatt: Visual and auditory cueing direct visual predictions in immersive embodied locomotion

·        Monika Dunin-Kozicka, Magdalena Szubielska, Paweł Fortuna, Natalia Kopiś-Posiej, Łukasz Kaczmarczyk, Julia Iwińska: How does attending virtual art exhibitions influence creative behavior?

15:15 – 16

Session 9: Spatial memory and frames of reference

Chair: Francesco Ruotolo

·        Alessio Lustro, Francesca Conte, Benedetta Albinni, Clarissadebora Alterio, Francesca Costanzo, Oreste De Rosa, Rosa Di Filippo, Gennaro Ruggiero, Gianluca Ficca: The role of sleep in the consolidation of different spatial memory representations

·        Shaun Dordoy, Spencer Talbot, Rory Baxter, Alastair D. Smith: Awareness of statistical learning in a large-scale virtual environment

·        Renato Orti, Tina Iachini, Francesco Ruotolo, Michela Possenti, Eleonora D’Agostino, Gennaro Ruggiero: Cognitive load in egocentric-allocentric switching processes: A pupillometry study

16 – 16:45

Session 10: Developmental perspectives

Chair:  Gennaro Ruggiero

·        Veronica Debora Toro, Gianluigi Serio, Chiara Valeria Marinelli, Eugenio Trotta, Maria Bove, Diletta Decarolis, Paola Palladino, Tiziana Quarto: The interaction between parenting style and cortisol levels on emotional words processing in primary school children: An ERP study

·        Ramona Cardillo, Camilla Orefice, Nicolas Leanza, Irene C. Mammarella: Exploring motor and visuospatial processing in developmental coordination disorder and nonverbal learning disability: A comparative analysis

·        Nadja Schott, Carolin Franzki, Laura Scholz, Inaam El-Rajab: Motor performance as a function of compromised motor imagery ability in individuals with Down Syndrome?

16:45 Concluding remarks