At the EWIC 2024 in Naples we will have two special guests: Michel Denis and Robert Logie. The decades-long commitment of Robert Logie and Michel Denis to EWIC has facilitated international collaboration and accelerated the advancement of knowledge in the field of visuospatial memory, mental imagery and cognition in general. Their passion for research and commitment to scientific dissemination make them an inspiration for our scientific community.


Michel Denis is a renowned French psychologist and researcher at the CNRS (Emeritus Senior Research Fellow since 2008, Honorary Senior Research Fellow since 2018). A pioneer in the field of mental imagery, Denis has delved into its role in memory, language, problem-solving, and creativity. His studies have illuminated how mental images bridge the gap between abstract thought and concrete reality, shaping our understanding of the world and guiding our behavior. He also developed a research program on spatial cognition, investigating the role of image and language in the construction of spatial knowledge. He has published over 200 scientific articles in international journals and books, cementing his reputation as a leading figure in the field.  Michel Denis has held important positions and received significant awards such as the title ‘Chevalier de la légion d’honneur’ in 2011.

Michel Denis will give a talk entitled “Space in life, space in film”




Robert H. Logie  is one of most influential and acknowledged British psychologists, now Professor Emeritus at the University of Edinburgh. Robert Logie has dedicated his research to understanding human memory across its spectrum. His innovative and pathbreaking work spans from understanding the cognitive architecture of working memory in healthy adults to the decline in cognitive function in both normal aging and neurodegenerative diseases. He has also explored how to design digital systems that can support human cognitive abilities. He has published over 200 journal articles, 60 book chapters, and has authored or edited 20 books and special journal issues. Throughout his long career, Robert Logie has held prestigious roles and positions, including as first chair of the Psychonomic Society from outside of North America. In 2022, he was elected the 51st Bartlett Lecturer by the British Experimental Psychology Society for lifetime contributions to experimental psychology.

Robert Logie will give a talk entitled “Visual working memory: Diverse assumptions, testing methods, and participant strategies”