Mining Humanistic Data Workshop 2018
The Mining Humanistic Data Workshop (MHDW) aims to bring together interdisciplinary approaches that focus on the application of innovative as well as existing artificial intelligence, data matching, fusion and mining and knowledge discovery and management techniques to data derived from all areas of Humanistic Sciences.
The 2018 edition of MHDW will be the 7th following the successful previous workshops that took place under the auspices of EANN and AIAI conferences.
Click here to view more information about the 7th Mining Humanistic Data Workshop.
Semantics in the Deep: Semantic Analytics for Big Data
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners to look deeper into how Semantic Web technologies can contribute towards Big Data analytics. This can be achieved either by extracting value out of these data (through reasoning), creating sustainable ontology models, offering a solid foundation for deploying learning techniques or anything in between.
3rd Workshop on "5G – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge" (5G-PINE 2018)
The 3rd 5G-PINE Workshop has been established to disseminate knowledge obtained from actual EU projects as well as from any other action of EU-funded research, in the wider thematic area of "5G Innovative Activities – Putting Intelligence to the Network Edge" and with the aim of focusing on Artifical Intelligence (AI) in modern 5G telecommunications infrastructures.
Click here to view more information about the 5G-PINE 2018 Workshop.
Intelligent Cloud and IoT paradigms in eHealth (HealthIoT)
The HealthIoT workshop offers the opportunity to present recent results concerning the design, development, implementation and deployment of Big Data Analytics and Cloud Infrastructures and IoT in different areas relating to electronic healthcare.
Click here to view more information about the HealthIoT Workshop.
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