“An individual differences perspective on memory, learning and cognition: A Festschrift in honor of Cesare Cornoldi”
Padova, Italy, on June 6th, 2018
The international workshop “An individual differences perspective on memory, learning and cognition: A Festschrift in honor of Cesare Cornoldi” will be held in Padova, Italy, on June 6th, 2018. It will collect a number of cutting-edge papers by high level researchers that share the individual differences approach in the study of the complexity of human cognition. Individual differences can be examined in terms of age, gender, ability and their investigation has contributed so far to explain the mechanisms of cognitive functions, rather than the differences in performance between individuals.
Registration, that is free, is required. Max availability: 80 seats.
Please send an email to meeting.honor.cornoldi@outlook.it
Please see the full program for details (click here to download).