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Registration System

Conference Registration


Payment Options

General Enquiries

Registration System

Payment Options

Conference Registration

General Enquiries


How do I benefit from crs?

The CRS is a one-stop-shop system where users only need to sign up once the very first time they use it; this process is very fast and completely free. After this step, signed up users can register for any number of different conferences that use the system. The software offers all conference participants a flexible, quick and easy-to-use registration process. Furthermore, the organizers will be provided with a wide range of useful information concerning the conference.

How long does the registration process take?

The registration process is organized in easy to follow sections so that participants can register in minutes just by following the steps provided. It is also possible to register and book different services at different time frames.

Do I have to complete the registration process at a single visit on easyconferences system?

No you do not. The registration process is completely flexible and allows participants to login and select different services at different times. Furthermore, it is possible for participants to make as many changes as possible, (for instance one may want to change their registration type, change dates for hotel booking, change hotel, add flight details, etc). However, it is highly recommended that you reserve accommodation early enough in order to be able to secure a room at the hotel of your preference.

Why can I not login into my easyconferences account?

If this is your first try to login, make sure that you have activated your account by clicking the activation link sent to your email account – please check Junk or Spam emails if the activation link is not in your Inbox.
If you are already a registered user, please try to login with the username and password you initially used to created your EasyConferences account; make sure you have entered your full email address as your username and note that the password is case sensitive. Please check your spelling in your username and password.
If you forgot your password, click on “forgot your password” link. You will receive a reset key in your email account. Quote this key in order to set your new password.
If you cannot recall your username, please contact us at: support@easyconferences.org.

Can I have an invitation letter for the conference?

Invitation letters are issued by the Academic Organisers of the conference, after they check each requesting person’s credentials.

Can I receive a confirmation for accommodation?

A confirmation for accommodation is sometimes required for visa purposes. After participants book and pay for their accommodation through EasyConferences, the confirmation is issued by our office upon request.

Why can I not view the very end right hand side of the window?

In order to view the right hand side of the page, you probably need to Zoom Out your screen. To do so, you need to either:
– Hold the “Ctrl” button and at the same time move your mouse wheel downwards to Zoom Out or upwards to Zoom In.
– Hold the “Ctrl” button and at the same time press the minus (-) button on your keyboard to Zoom Out or plus (+) button to Zoom In.