Online/Hybrid Conferences
Equipped to get the physical and virtual worlds linked

The global pandemic had a great impact in the evolution of Online and Hybrid events.

Online Services
Online Meeting/Webinar and Conference Support
Technical requirements outlining and advise
Conference/meeting set up of online platform (Zoom recommended)
Demo sessions for organizers and participants prior to the conference/meeting
Live support throughout the conference/meeting dates with Live chat for both organizers and participants
Interconnectivity with our other online tools
Preparation of online presence for conference sponsors
Preparation and dissemination of digital conference promotion materials, digital conference bags, online quick programmes etc.
Easy and web friendly access
Online Services
Online Meeting/Webinar and Conference Support
Technical requirements outlining and advise
Conference/meeting set up of online platform
(Zoom recommended)
Demo sessions for organizers and participants prior to the conference/meeting
Live support throughout the conference/meeting dates with live chat for both organizers and participants
Interconnectivity with our other online tools
Preparation of online presence for conference sponsors
Preparation and dissemination of digital conference promotion materials, digital conference bags, online quick programs, etc
Assistance with presentations
Collection and dissemination of prerecorded presentations
Easy and web friendly access
Live-streaming services

Hybrid Onsite Services