Registration is now open
Registrations will be done online through Participants may pay instantly using their credit card (VISA/MASTERCARD), or they may choose to pay through the bank. A one-stop-shop software is used for the whole registration process, The whole process is easy to use, secure, and can be completed in a few minutes.
Please note that the software provides participants with the possibility to complete the registration process in steps/periodically; participants may register for the conference and return later to book and pay for further services like accommodation (subject to availability). The system will accept unlimited changes/updates up to the closing of the online registration process before the start of the conference.
ICALP will use the Whova conference platform. After registering for ICALP, within a few days we will add you to the participant list within Whova. You can then go to the Whova ICALP site and use your Whova account to access the conference. Within the Whova ICALP site you will find links to the Zoom meetings and pre-recorded video talks – note that these are still being set up and should be available from 1st July. If you don’t have a Whova account, you can create one. Please use the same email address in your ICALP registration and your Whova account.
Student Volunteers Wanted! We are seeking PhD student volunteers to host and provide support for the online conference platform during this event.Training in use of the platform will be provided. Students who have not yet started their PhD studies are welcome. Student volunteers will receive free conference registration. Check more details about this call.
Free Registrations for PhD students from Scottish Universities. Thanks to a generous sponsorship from SICSA (Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) we are able to offer free registrations to PhD students from Scottish universities. To register for free, send your proof of student status as described in the general terms and conditions, including a statement that you are a PhD student at one of the SICSA institutions and that your PhD topic is related to ICALP. Please send us your statement at and then we will register you without charging a fee (do not register on this page). Free registrations are limited to 2 author registrations and 30 non-author registrations, and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
While you’re here, why not take a look at our shop page where you can find some ICALP 2021 branded merchandise.
There is a limited number of free registrations for PRiML, sponsored by IOHK.: If you choose “Workshop Only” registration and select PRiML, please contact us at to claim the free registration. A first come first served policy will be applied.
Registration Fees
Author (until 15 June) | Standard (until 30 June) | Late (after 30 June) | |
Regular author | €175 | ||
Student author | €140 | ||
Regular non-author | €50 | €70 | |
Student non-author | €30 | €50 | |
Workshops only | €10 | €20 |
General Terms and Conditions
- All participants must register in order to receive links for the online conference sessions.
- For each ICALP accepted paper there must be at least one registration at the author rate. There must be an injective mapping from the list of accepted papers to the list of full author registration. Note the earlier registration deadline for authors.
- Author and non-author registration includes 40 Euro (20 Euro for students) for one year’s membership of EATCS. The ICALP 2021 Organizing Committee will forward your data to the EATCS for administrative processing. The current benefits of an EATCS membership are listed on the EATCS website.
- Author and non-author registration includes participation in ICALP workshops.
- Workshops-only registration does not include EATCS membership.
- Student status is reserved for undergraduate, masters and PhD students. Student status must be proved by sending a scanned copy of either a certificate (in English) issued by the student’s Departmental Secretariat, or a letter (in English) signed by the student’s supervisor, to Registration will be confirmed when the proof of student status has been received. Students must possess student status at the time ICALP 2021 takes place, in order to be eligible for the student registration fee.
ICALP 2021 has joined Registering for ICALP 2021 requires that you agree to follow the Code of Conduct described below.
ICALP code of conduct
ICALP is committed to be a respectful forum for its participants, free from any discrimination or harassment of any nature, particularly when abuse of power is involved. All ICALP attendees are expected to behave accordingly.
If you experience or witness discrimination, harassment or other unethical behavior at the conference, we encourage you to seek advice and remedy through one or more of the following options:
- Consult with the SafeToC counsellors of ICALP (listed below).
- Report to the conference chair, the PC chairs or the Steering Committee chair. The chairs are entitled to remove registered participants from the conference (without refunding the conference fees) if they are deemed to pose an ethical risk to other participants.
ICALP SafeToC Counsellors
Track A
Karl Bringmann email: bringmann “at” cs “dot” uni-saarland “dot” de
Yuval Rabani email: yrabani “at” cs “dot” huji “dot” ac “dot” il
Virginia Vassilevska Williams email: virgito “at” gmail “dot” com
Track B
Gethin Norman email: gethin “dot” norman “at” glasgow “dot” ac “dot” uk
Daniela Petrisan email:petrisan “at” irif “dot“ fr

Registration Steps
Create Account
Create an “Easy Conferences” account
Verify e-mail
Click on the activation link sent to you via email
Log in
After verifying your email, click below to login
Create Order
Create and settle your order online securely